Chance to use consolidation to get out of default

If you are in default on your student loans, you cannot get new loans to go back to school, and you face severe collection procedures. Consolidation can give you a fresh start. You can consolidate defaulted student loans into a direct loan consolidation and stop collections including garnishments and tax intercepts. Be aware that if … Continue reading “Chance to use consolidation to get out of default”

The opportunity to better manage your finances

Loan consolidation is an effective option for anyone seeking a solution, no matter how big or small their debt amount is; secure a lower interest rate, secure a fixed interest rate, or consolidate debt for the benefit of servicing just one loan versus several. A loan consolidation allows a debt-ridden borrower to all of their … Continue reading “The opportunity to better manage your finances”

Make sure that you understand the financial impact

Before you start to consolidate your debts, you need to make sure that you truly understand the financial impact of loan consolidation. There are numerous companies offering various types of loan, and even overall debt consolidation as the one size fits all fix to every debtor’s worries. Student loan consolidation is being offered as the … Continue reading “Make sure that you understand the financial impact”

What options are for loan repayment

Loan consolidation for students have recently a hot topic in the news as interest rates doubled this month due to failing efforts from Congress to hold financial-aid rates down for future borrowers. Meanwhile, those struggling to find jobs that can support their post-college student aid, which is borrowed for the sake of higher education, are … Continue reading “What options are for loan repayment”

Debt remains the same all throughout loan

Layman’s terms describe a consolidation loan as a financial situation with the intention of taking out one loan to pay several other debts. Instead of having to pay multiple separate payments per month, a borrower can consolidate his cash into one payment. This is often done to secure a lower fixed interest rate over the … Continue reading “Debt remains the same all throughout loan”