Student Loan Consolidation

Student Loan Consolidation Dealing with Student Loans: A Comprehensive Guide Has to be one of the best books on student loans out there. Thoroughly researched and detailed w lots of real world examples. Right now, no matter what you’ve read online, there are no secrets or tricks to handling your student loans, and there are … Continue reading “Student Loan Consolidation”

SBA Paycheck Protection Program

SBA Paycheck Protection Program And How To Get Stimulus Money SBA Paycheck Protection Program is getting funds from the $2 trillion stimulus package signed into law are starting to be disbursed by the federal government. Small businesses are eligible for loans that can get converted into grants if certain requirements are met. Businesses with fewer … Continue reading “SBA Paycheck Protection Program”

SBA loan process is often disappointing for borrowers

Last October the Small Business Administration removed fees on SBA-guaranteed loans under $150,000. Although last year’s average SBA loan was closer to $380,000 and the year before was around $327,000, it might be interesting to note that before the financial meltdown in 2008, the average SBA loan amount was closer to $175,000—more in line with … Continue reading “SBA loan process is often disappointing for borrowers”

Consolidation can greatly simplify loan repayment

Direct loan consolidation allows you to combine multiple federal student loans into one loan; but it also can result in loss of some benefits. Once your loans are combined into a direct consolidation loan, they cannot be removed. The loans that were consolidated are paid off and no longer exist. Carefully consider whether direct loan … Continue reading “Consolidation can greatly simplify loan repayment”