Student Loan Consolidation

Student Loan Consolidation Dealing with Student Loans: A Comprehensive Guide Has to be one of the best books on student loans out there. Thoroughly researched and detailed w lots of real world examples. Right now, no matter what you’ve read online, there are no secrets or tricks to handling your student loans, and there are … Continue reading “Student Loan Consolidation”

What options are for loan repayment

Loan consolidation for students have recently a hot topic in the news as interest rates doubled this month due to failing efforts from Congress to hold financial-aid rates down for future borrowers. Meanwhile, those struggling to find jobs that can support their post-college student aid, which is borrowed for the sake of higher education, are … Continue reading “What options are for loan repayment”

Lower rate with private consolidation loan

Good Way to Consolidate Private Student Loans If you have more than one private student loan from a bank or other lenders, you can make life easier by consolidating private student loans into one loan with one monthly payment. Student loan consolidation payments could end up lower than your current payments. Loan Consolidation Can Help … Continue reading “Lower rate with private consolidation loan”

Making smaller payments over a longer time

Federal student loan consolidation allows you to combine one or more existing student loans into one single consolidation loan with a new repayment schedule. You will have lower monthly payments, but you will pay much higher interest over the life of the loan because you will be making smaller payments over a longer time. When … Continue reading “Making smaller payments over a longer time”